Calypso Medical

Calypso Medical

Develops tumor localization systems designed to accurately and objectively track the location of tumors in human bodies. Learn more
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Calypso Medical is a pioneering company in the field of radiation oncology, specializing in advanced cancer treatment technologies. The company serves radiation oncologists, clinicians, and therapists by providing cutting-edge tools designed to enhance the precision and efficiency of cancer treatments. Operating in the healthcare technology market, Calypso Medical focuses on developing AI-powered systems like Ethos therapy, which personalizes cancer care and completes adaptive treatments within a typical 15-minute timeslot. Their Proton Therapy System offers next-generation proton therapy with ultra-high dose rates and exceptional precision, all within a compact design. The business model revolves around selling these high-tech medical devices and systems to healthcare providers, generating revenue through direct sales, service contracts, and after-sales support. Calypso Medical aims to instill confidence in both healthcare professionals and patients by integrating seamlessly with existing tools and providing comprehensive support resources.

Keywords: AI-powered, cancer care, radiation oncology, adaptive treatment, precision therapy, healthcare technology, proton therapy, medical devices, personalized care, efficient treatment.