Eesti Energia

Eesti Energia

Provides useful and convenient energy solutions and produce energy in an increasingly environmentally friendly way. Learn more

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Oleme Läänemere elektri- ja gaasiturul ning rahvusvahelisel kütuseturul tegutsev ettevõte.

Meie tootmisportfell on Läänemere mitmekülgseim: toodame energiat nii põlevkivist, biomassist, rehvihakkest, olmejäätmetest, tuulest, päikesest kui ka veest. Põlevkivist toodame vedelkütuseid – põlevkiviõli ja põlevkivibensiini –, aga ka elektrit ja soojust.

Eesti Energia is a company which operates in the Baltic Sea electricity and gas markets and in the international fuel market.

We have the most diverse energy portfolio in the Baltic Sea region: we produce energy from oil shale, biomass, tyre chips, municipal waste, wind, sun and water. We use oil shale to produce liquid fuels – shale oil and oil shale gasoline as well as electricity and heat.

Tech stack

Tech stackLearn more about the technologies and tools that this company uses.