Planet Rise

Planet Rise

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More about Planet Rise

Founded in 2019 in response to the growing climate crisis and 1 billion people on the poverty line most affected. We aim is to make the world a better place by investing in and supporting organisations tackling Climate Change and Social Inequality... and create the next generation of greentech unicorns

Current portfolio supported:

1. Ampd - Reduced CO2, air po & noise on construction sites by replacing diesel generators with battery tech. CLEAN ENERGY

2. HydroLeap – Clean water treatment for construction & large cost reduction. CLEAN WATER

3. VFlow – New storage tech to replace diesel generators & lead acid/Li-Ion, mprove CO2 emissions, battery life/power/fire/disposal issues. CLEAN ENERGY

4. uHoo – Clean Air platform to reduce deaths, improve wellbeing & enable healthy buildings. CLEAN AIR

5. TablePointer – Energy efficiency for F&B / SME’s. EMISSIONS REDUCTION

6. Lumitics - Reduced food waste using AI computer vision. FOOD

7. SOLShare - Microgrid peer2peer solar power in Bangladesh. CLEAN ENERGY

8. Turtle Tree Labs - Clean dairy and breast milk using cell-based tech. FOOD

9. Capture - Track, reduce & remove emissions for enterprises. EMISSIONS REDUCTION

10. ZuBlu - Conserving marine biodiversity through sustainable tourism. OCEANS

11. IIX - Enabling women led social enterprises & communities. EQUALITY

12. Sama – Enabling migrant workers (and families) get a fair deal. EQUALITY

13. RIMM - Enabling SME’s to audit/report/act on sustainability goals using global ESG standards. ESG

14. Seppure - Industrial chemical separation solution used by food, pharma and oil/petrochemical clients to reduce emissions 10x. EMISSIONS REDUCTION

15. Circular - Platform to sxtend life of consumer electronic devices. CIRCULAR ECONOMY

16. Eco-Business - Leading Asia media and sustainable development advisory firm used by enterprises, governments and NGO’s. ESG

We are members of Asian Venture Philanthropy (AVPN), and Top Tier Impact (TTI) a